About The Scottish Asian Women's Association
This charitable organisation aims to establish a network of Scottish Asian women from all professions, fields and disciplines, drawing upon a wealth of leadership skills, innovation and knowledge, with a view to enhancing their own personal and professional development and assisting those Scottish Asian Women in need of support, guidance and mentoring.
Our website scottishasianwomensassociation.com will be a tremendous resource in facilitating our interaction with each other, the respective Governments within the UK and all those who need to know who we are, what we do and our plans for the future.
We aim to meet in a different city each month, consulting with our membership as to what workshops and lectures they would like us to arrange for their benefit, in specific areas.
We hope that through encouragement, mentoring and information, we might inspire Scottish Asian Women to achieve their true potential and increase their representation and participation in public and political life in Scotland, becoming role models and ambassadors for the minority ethnic communities in Scotland.